Lean Innovation & Process Optimization Services

First, Our Mission

For those who haven't seen it

"We find success in the service of helping you succeed."

                                        – Lawrence Shaw

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When you embrace a heart of service into your mindset and organization, then these words are easy ones by which to live.  We believe in this so much that we promise to make your engagement with us RISK FREE by offering our clients 100% fee refunds if we do not live up to our pledge. Now, that’s living your credo!



Expertise You'll Enjoy!

Lean Innovation & Lean Six Sigma
Practitioners, Coaches, & Trainers

Consulting & Project Execution

Training Delivery

Coaching & Mentoring


Process optimization, whether innovating and designing new products and services or improving existing processes, means helping you create customer value in the most effective and efficient ways possible. 


Winshaw Global provides certified expertise and experience in Lean Innovation and Lean Six Sigma methodologies to help create new products and services or tackle any process improvement challenge effectively and efficiently.

Lean Innovation - is about product and service innovation utilizing Rapid Experimentation, Design Thinking, Agile, Business Modeling, and other methodologies. Think of empathy, experiments, and evidence to gain learning and solve customer problems.

Lean - is about removing waste from processes or designing processes with the least amount of waste possible.  Think of getting more with less. 

Six Sigma - is about being data-driven to remove defects from processes or designing processes with the least amount of defects possible.  Think of a deep dive into improving processes.

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Lawrence @ Kaizen -

Lawrence Shaw and team leading an AT&T engagement


LEAN INNOVATION – We take Rapid Experimentation, Design Thinking, Agile, Business Modeling, and Capabilities Development and make it work for you. We execute, train, coach, and mentor.

PROCESS IMPROVEMENT – We are certified Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belts, Black Belts and Green Belts experienced in executing projects, delivering training, coaching, mentoring and facilitating.

LEADERSHIP COACHING – We coach up innovation leaders, project leaders, and executive leaders, respectively, and equip them for sustained success.  Being certified in mBIT neuroscience coaching techniques provides our clients huge advantages and Winshaw Global a competitive advantage.

CHANGE MANAGEMENT – Implementing change is challenging. We are certified experts in change management who are adept at leading teams through the process of change. It’s also interwoven into what we do.


Great!  We'd love to have a conversation with you.  Let's see how our decades of experience and proven results can work for you. 

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LSS certification logo -
Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
Black Belt certification
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt


Why Choose Us?

It's Worth Repeating

Great Value Proposition

  • A consortium of experienced innovators, entrepreneurs, LSS MBBs, BBs, and Master Trainers each with 25+ years industry, consulting, and leadership experience.
  • Affordable rates because we run lean.

Game-Changing Outcomes

  • We’ve produced $Millions in benefits – see Organizations Served list below.
  • We’ve helped clients transform into innovative, learning companies primed for new millennium success.  
  • We often introduce our WINSHAW® decision-making digital tool, which produces better, faster, and more inclusive decisions and creates stronger cultures.
  • mBIT Behavioral Science Coaching separates us from 99% of consultants. Neuroscience meets biblical wisdom to unlock and align your head, heart, and gut to do cool stuff with clarity and confidence!

We Are Fun & Innovative 

  • Studies show people produce better results when they are happy and engaged. Our dynamic personalities, mBIT training, and people skills draw out the creativity in your team to produce.  Life is too short not to enjoy working with your consultant, right?

Proud To Serve Organizations Such As These:

Let's Hear From Clients